Streamline and Automate Debt Collection
for Improved Promise to Pay Ratio and Faster Recovery

Volare Key Benefits
- Built-in IPPBX System. Auto Redial to make calls automatically.
- Automated assignment to Agents. Distribute jobs with regards of Agent’s ability and performance.
- Work From Home feature (WFH) helps debt collectors track debts from their home. In this era of COVID-19 pandemic, companies can flexibly continue to operate the business without interruption.
- Outsource Agent (OA) Management System to integrate with the core system efficiently.
- Easy-to-use commission calculation system with executive summary reports.
- Manage and monitor the Field Collectors (FCR) as they can work online and perform their missions, seamlessly connect to the core system.
- Legal Proceedings and Recoveries Management to track litigation processes. The legal team can work and monitor from Volare’s core system.
Collections Escalation
Seamless customer
experience management
Collection & Recovery
Centric CRM
Total delinquency & bad debts Management

Predictive Dialler
Dialler campaign
IPPBX (Voice Recording & CTI) & IVR
Total Voice Monitoring & IVR Campaign Management

Mobile Application
Single platform with Mobile Application
Real Time Out of Office Monitoring
Geolocation tracking and monitoring

Total Vendor
Management System
Total Collections Vendor Management
Total Legal module with interaction with Law Firms

CQM requires data and from both systems IPPBX for call details and tapping into calls, and collection system to get visibility into collector, customer, and previous communication.

Consolidated monitoring and dashboard is limited. For example, to view first login time, total talk time, last logout time, tapping into live calls.

- The ability to handle/manage DID – e.g. call rotate or shuffle DID to be displayed on customer phone.
- Inbound screen-pop.

Enforcement requires Collection software to query call history from IPPBX and predictive dialler to keep tabs on number of calls made so that controls can be enforced.

The ability to reliably verify and validate call status – connected, voice mail, no answer etc. This relies on signaling received from IPPBX.

- Having consolidated data – voice and collection data, allows us to run big data analytics without the use of a data warehouse.
- Ad hoc campaign creation requires a separate integration strategy. But not so, if using Volare dialler.
- Feedback or dial results from predictive dialler are not able to flow back live.
- Delayed update while possible can interrupt your redial strategy.

- Automation rules in Volare can help automate campaign creation on the fly.
- Future add-ons voice biometrics & emotion detection.

Troubleshooting SIP can be a challenge.
We’ll answer your questions and help with your organization’s needs.
Contact Us
Mr. Prasit P. (Business Development Executive)
Email : prasit.p@geniussoft.co.th
Mobile : 086-398-9029
+66(0) 2 004 9355
+66(0) 2 064 7433
Follow Us
88 Paso Tower, 15th floor, unit B2, Silom Road, Suriyawong, Bangrak, Bangkok, Thailand 10500